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House Bulgaria property
House Bulgaria property
House Bulgaria property
House Bulgaria property
House Bulgaria property
House Bulgaria property
House Bulgaria property
Legal certifications for buildings and change of estates’ manner of use


PDB provides to clients with investment requirements the following services:

1. Civil engineering and architectural design and acquiring related authorizations and certificates
    1.1. Consultations during the decision taking process in assigning a civil engineering and architectural design project;
    1.2. Consultations during the decision taking process in civil engineering matters;
    1.3. Preparation of quote documents and choice of Designer;
    1.4. Compilation of Draft contract for assigning civil engineering and architectural design project;
    1.5. Carrying out of auction procedure in choosing designer;
    1.6. Consultations during the negotiation process in signing design contract;
    1.7. Project's expert appraisal;
    1.8. Compilation of Draft contract for independent supervision in design and civil engineering;
    1.9. Preparation of correspondence with local/state authorities concerning the project's legally required authorizations;
2. Civil engineering and provision of legally required certificates
    2.1. Compilation of Draft contract concerning the civil engineering services;
    2.2. Preparation of quote documents and choice of Contractor;
    2.3. Carrying out of auction procedure in choosing Contractor;
    2.4. Consultations during the negotiation process in signing contract with the Contractor chosen;
    2.5. Supervision and control during civil engineering stage:
    2.5.1. Control and acceptance of completed works, including constant supervision during specific stages;
    2.5.2. Construction materials' acceptance control;
    2.5.3. Monitoring and control of civil engineering organization;
    2.5.4. Consultations and drafting documents for civil engineering stage;
    2.5.5. Control and advice during payment transfers to Contractor and/or sub-contractors;
    2.5.6. Control and advice in legalization of civil engineering until issue of permit for inhabiting the building.

3. PDB shall provide you with expert advice in changing the legal status of land use, i.e. from agricultural into inhabited, where necessary. 
Where an investor wishes to open a new industrial or commercial site, he shall be liable to construct a new building or refurbish an existing one into new industrial site. Refurbishment is necessary as well when an investor changes the business activity performed in a specific building. Our experts shall provide you with legal and administrative advice in steps to undertake for approval of investment projects in front of competent administrative authorities, specialized control authorities (SCA) and operative companies.

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